

基督教领袖中心, 还有校园里的其他院系, 运用克里夫顿优势帮助学生更好地了解自己的独特之处, God-given talents and maximize their potential as a Christian servant leader.

CliftonStrengths is an online assessment tool used to discover and develop each individual’s greatest talents. 盖洛普运营, 共有177道题,测试的是自然思维模式, 感觉, 和行为方式. 它将它们分为 34克里夫顿优势主题. 它是一种开发工具——你使用你的优势越多, the stronger they get - and a means of tailoring talent to task and improving performance.

The CliftonStrengths assessment has helped more than 30 million people maximize their performance by focusing on their strengths rather than their weaknesses. The CliftonStrengths program teaches students how to develop their natural talents into strengths and apply them for success in all areas of their lives.



WLC first committed to the Gallup organization’s CliftonStrengths program in 2014 to help students focus and build on the unique talents and gifts that God has given them.

WLC’s campus experiences provide intentional and structured development of each individual’s unique talents to develop the characteristics, 知识, 技能, 以及一个基督徒仆人领袖的行为.


因为我们是神的工作, 在基督耶稣里造成的,为要行善, 就是神预先为我们所预备的.以弗所书2:10



  • Each individual is created by God with unique gifts and talents to glorify Him and serve others.
  • The recognition and development of those unique gifts and talents can become strengths that better enable each individual to carry out God’s purpose in every aspect of his/her life.
  • The intentional recognition and structured development of each individual’s unique strengths within the college’s campus experiences will help each student develop the characteristics, 的态度, 以及一个基督徒仆人领袖的行为.


WLC is committed to helping students know and apply their Strengths as part of their Warriors experience.

它可以作为学术讨论的资源, 建议, 个人生活, 职业生涯, 甚至是一个学生的精神生活. Students improve their life experiences on campus and beyond when they apply their Strengths to serve in their homes, 教堂, 工作场所, 和社区.


  • Course instructors have the opportunity to use students’ Strengths in class presentations, 为小组任务选择团队, 并在评估过程中为学生提供咨询.
  • Academic advisors are able to use advisee’s Strengths in discussing students’ course selection and 职业生涯 planning.
  • Resident Assistants may use Strengths to create more unity and teamwork on a residence hall floor. The Resident Assistants identify theirs and others’ strengths during their annual orientation to residence life and enhance their relationships with Strengths-based activities throughout the year.
  • Athletic teams may use CliftonStrengths to identify the unique talents of the coaches and players. The coaching staff uses their unique gifts to assign responsibilities in a manner that best utilizes each coach’s Strengths. They use each player’s unique talents to maximize his impact on the team’s performance.
  • Faculty and staff have the opportunity to use Strengths within their teams and departments to better understand the gifts and talents of their co-workers, while leveraging their individual strengths to enhance their team’s performance and goals.
你们各人要用所领受的恩赐去服事别人, 作为上帝各种各样恩典的忠实管家. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. 如果有人上菜, 他们应该凭着神所赐的力量去做, 叫神在凡事上因耶稣基督得荣耀. 愿荣耀权能都归给他,直到永永远远. 阿门." -彼得前书4:10-11